Once upon a time, there lived a young maiden who thought no man would ever choose her to love and to cherish, 'til death parted them. As a young girl, she thought she was too plain-looking; too heavy-weighted; too snaggle-toothed for any young man--be he pauper or prince--to look past the visible to the invisible, but very present, qualities she carried about. In her heart-of-hearts, though, she held fast to a hope that was never extinguished. A hope that one day she might be loved and desired and chosen.
One day she was introduced to Lord, who many called Prince of Peace. Far more glorious than a mere wizard, He let His intentions be known to her--that He chose her. He desired her. He wanted her to live with Him beyond death, into eternity. That His Father wanted her to be a part of the family. And most of all, that He would never leave her alone.
The young maiden accepted Lord's proposal. She couldn't believe how much peace overcame her and the quiet joy that was now a constant companion. As she grew this young maiden listened to the gentle whispers of love and guidance given her by her Beloved Prince and studied the Father's Family genealogy in a large Book to know more about her new heritage.
One day, on the field of battle called "Softball", she spied a young prince that she found to be quite handsome. Being that old ways die a hard death, she immediately thought that he would never look upon her as lovely, fair and pretty, but within a few fortnights this young prince surprised her with a request to dine together.
The young maiden was conflicted. She wondered if this was meant as nothing more than a friendly exchange of history, but the young prince showed his intentions and they were true and honest. He saw her--all of her--for the plain-looking, heavy-weighted, snaggle-toothed young maiden had been transformed. Through years of study and time spent with her Prince and Father and Family, the beauty that the young prince was captivated by was really the Family's glory that she was now wearing.
As many tales go, so goes this one: there was an announcement of intentions and then a day of celebration, called Wedding Day. The young prince and maiden joined their hands and hearts before the Prince of Peace, Father and the family, pledging themselves only to each other, until death parted them.
And they lived happily ever after.